Law 726 Videos
Air Date 06/02/1997Patrick Cole from Time Magazine shares the courtroom reactions after the McVeigh verdict was given and comments on the upcoming penalty phase. 09:48 -
Air Date 05/28/1997Patrick Cole and Rick Serrano report on the trial of accused terrorist Timothy McVeigh prior to closing arguments. 19:59 -
Air Date 05/27/1997A conversation about the Paula Jones sexual harassment suit against President Clinton. 28:50 -
Air Date 05/23/1997Experts debate whether the U.S. Air Force's decision to give Lt. Kelly Flinn a general discharge was appropriate. 24:03 -
Air Date 04/24/1997Attorney General Richard Blumenthal on the lawsuit he and other attorney generals are lodging against the tobacco industry. 14:02 -
Air Date 03/31/1997Time magazine's Patrick Cole reports from Denver, Colorado, on jury selection in Timothy McVeigh's Oklahoma City bombing trial. 10:40 -
Air Date 03/31/1997Criminal defense attorney Lynne Stewart discusses Timothy McVeigh's ongoing Oklahoma City bombing trial. 12:00 -
Air Date 03/03/1997A conversation about the early stages of the Timothy McVeigh trial. 20:01 -
Air Date 02/24/1997Writers Ellis Cose, Stanley Crouch, and Clarence Page discuss the book, "The Darden Dilemma." 25:46 -
Air Date 02/24/1997A discussion about the book, "Birth of a Nation'hood: Gaze, Script, and Spectacle in the O. J. Simpson Case." 27:39 -
Air Date 02/10/1997Attorney Martin Garbus talks about the verdict in the O.J. Simpson civil suit. 06:21 -
Air Date 02/04/1997Journalist Dominick Dunne, who has been covering the O. J. Simpson criminal trial for Vanity Fair, provides analysis of the civil trial verdict. 18:21 -
Air Date 01/31/1997Detectives Philip Vannatter and Tom Lange talk about their book, "Evidence Dismissed." 25:41 -
Air Date 01/28/1997Journalist Dan Abrams shares what he saw in the closing arguments of the non-televised O. J. Simpson civil lawsuit. 07:08 -
Air Date 01/23/1997A conversation about the O. J. Simpson civil trial with TV reporter Dan Abrams. 11:42 -
Air Date 01/13/1997Journalists report on Paula Corbin Jones's civil suit against President Bill Clinton. 13:05 -
Air Date 01/10/1997Journalist Stuart Taylor, Jr. discusses the Paula Jones case and whether the Supreme Court should delay it. 11:16 -
Air Date 01/10/1997Journalists discuss the media's portrayal of Paula Jones and whether the Supreme Court will delay her case. 13:54 -
Air Date 01/08/1997Professor Laurence Tribe, shares what he experienced while arguing before the Supreme Court in favor of physician assisted suicide. 10:12 -
Air Date 01/08/1997Activist and writer Gloria Steinem and Larry Flynt's daughter, Tonya Flynt-Vega, react to "The People vs. Larry Flynt." 10:14 -
Air Date 01/08/1997Doctors Howard Grossman, John Collins Harvey, and Sherwin B. Nuland debate the controversial topic of a patient's right to die by physician... 15:10 -
Air Date 11/22/1996Court TV anchor Rikki Klieman and attorney Martin Garbus discuss the civil trial of O. J. Simpson, his testimony, and the attorney's legal strategies. 18:00 -
Air Date 11/13/1996Willie Williams talks about the city of Los Angeles and the daily challenges he faces as the chief of police. 22:05 -
Air Date 11/01/1996Co-founders of the Innocence Project, Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld, discuss the exoneration of criminals using new DNA tests. 28:51 -
Air Date 10/21/1996Novelist Scott Turow introduces his latest novel, "The Laws of Our Fathers," which is, in his opinion, the best he's written. 16:23 -
Air Date 10/17/1996A conversation with Lawrence Schiller, author of "American Tragedy: The Uncensored Story of the Simpson Defense." 29:07 -
Air Date 09/17/1996Court TV anchor Rikki Klieman, attorney Martin Garbus, and Anthony Thompson of NYU Law on O. J. Simpson's civil trial. 14:08 -
Air Date 07/18/1996Chairman of Electronic Frontier Foundation Esther Dyson on the tech business and her love for Russia. 16:52 -
Air Date 06/25/1996Attorney Gerald Lefcourt and law professor Laurence Tribe discuss a constitutional amendment protecting rights of crime victims. 16:11 -
Air Date 06/18/1996Cynthia McFadden talks about her upcoming special, "Judgement at Midnight." 12:08 -
Air Date 06/12/1996Arianna Huffington and Laura Ingraham debate Senator Dole's comments at the RNC and the G.O.P.'s position on abortion. 16:18 -
Air Date 05/29/1996Author James B. Stewart discusses his book, "Blood Sport," about the Whitewater scandal. 10:19 -
Air Date 05/27/1996A conversation about the O. J. Simpson trial verdict with Gerald Uelmen, one of the lawyers who defended him. 08:35 -
Air Date 05/21/1996A panel of gay rights activists discuss the defeat of Colorado's anti-gay amendment. 20:15 -
Air Date 04/23/1996Author Rodney Barker and former CIA operations officer David Whipple discuss the Clayton J. Lonetree 1986 espionage case. 09:47 -
Air Date 04/15/1996Authors Barbara Bergmann and Terry Eastland argue opposing sides of the debate on affirmative action. 16:26 -
Air Date 04/10/1996Marian Wright Edelman examines the issues surrounding the children of America including healthcare and gun control. 15:45 -
Air Date 04/08/1996Defense attorney Barry Scheck gives his opinion on the Unabomber. 29:38 -
Air Date 04/04/1996A discussion of the Unabomer suspect Theodore Kaczynski after his capture. 16:20 -
Air Date 04/01/1996Steve Kroft talks about the letter that was delivered to Judge Ito regarding the O. J. Simpson trial. 16:33 -
Air Date 03/27/1996Prosecutor Christopher Darden shares his new book reflecting on the O.J. Simpson case, "In Contempt." 36:44 -
Air Date 03/27/1996A look at gay marriage in America with journalist Andrew Sullivan, Bob Knight of the Family Research Council, and others. 17:24 -
Air Date 02/27/1996NYPD commissioner Bill Bratton on the reduction of crime in the city to its lowest rates since the 1960s. 21:00 -
Air Date 02/14/1996A discussion of the trial with literary agent Lucianne Goldberg, publisher Judith Regan, and Court TV’s Kristin Jeannette-Meyers. 17:23 -
Air Date 02/12/1996Judge Harold J. Rothwax asserts that the our judicial system needs to be reformed. 21:41 -
Air Date 01/26/1996Richard Ben-Veniste and Leonard Garment discuss first lady Hillary Clinton's appearance before the Grand Jury. 09:11 -
Air Date 01/12/1996Jacob Weisberg, Evan Thomas, and Mandy Grunwald discuss Hillary Clinton's involvement in Whitewater and whether she should testify. 20:56 -
Air Date 01/12/1996Michael Chertoff of the Senate Whitewater Committee comments on the latest evidence and whether the first fady will testify. 17:12 -
Air Date 12/19/1995Steven Brill, founder and president of Court TV, talks about the future of televised trials. 14:03 -
Air Date 11/29/1995A conversation about the state of the child welfare system and the recent death of a child, which could have been prevented. 20:06 -
Air Date 11/27/1995Attorneys Caroline Kennedy and Ellen Alderman on their new book "The Right to Privacy." 14:44 -
Air Date 11/15/1995Executive producer David Milch and former NYPD homicide detective Bill Clark, discuss their show "NYPD Blue." 25:35 -
Air Date 11/13/1995Journalist Mike Wallace and others tackle the big tobacco story "60 Minutes" chose not to air. 36:45 -
Air Date 10/10/1995Following the "Not Guilty" verdict, Fred Graham and Gerald Lefcourt propose potential questions for O. J. Simpson's NBC interview. 18:07 -
Air Date 10/09/1995Gloria Steinem and Patricia Williams discuss the O.J. Simpson verdict. 26:31 -
Air Date 10/04/1995Dominick Dunne of Vanity Fair discusses the O.J. Simpson verdict. 13:13 -
Air Date 10/03/1995Criminal defense attorneys Gerald Lefcourt and Ted Wells on the outcome and implications of the O. J. trial. 12:40 -
Air Date 10/03/1995Rev. Jesse Jackson, Judge Leslie Crocker Snyder, and others react to the O. J. Simpson verdict. 40:27 -
Air Date 09/27/1995Criminal defense attorney Gerald Lefcourt talks about the O. J. Simpson trial and Marcia Clark's closing statement. 10:34 -
Air Date 09/13/1995Adam Walinsky of the National Committee for the Police Corps on rising crime rates throughout America and what can be done. 20:40