Law 726 Videos
Air Date 10/27/2006Attorney for Mikhail Khodorkovsky Robert Amsterdam explains the work he is doing for the Russian oil tycoon. 14:34 -
Air Date 09/14/2006David A. Kaplan explains his reporting of HP Chairman Patricia Dunn's illegal investigation of her board of directors. 26:23 -
Air Date 09/07/2006Ted Koppel explores national security in the five years following 9/11 and shares his 3-hour documentary, "Price of Security." 27:44 -
Air Date 08/10/2006Attorney General of the United States Alberto Gonzales comments on the terrorist plot uncovered in Great Britain. 14:56 -
Air Date 08/08/2006NYPD police commissioner Ray Kelly comments on the London bombing, the important strengths of local police, and how the city changed post-9/11. 34:52 -
Air Date 07/06/2006Bill Keller defends his decision to reveal the Treasury Dept.'s program that tracks banking records of suspected terrorists. 17:22 -
Air Date 07/06/2006Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. argues that the Republican Party stole the 2004 presidential election in Ohio. 17:04 -
Air Date 06/30/2006Legal scholars debate the Supreme Court's rejection of President Bush's plan to hold military tribunals for terrorists. 20:41 -
Air Date 06/30/2006Norman Ornstein and Thomas Mann on the relationship between the executive branch and Congress in "The Broken Branch." 17:22 -
Air Date 06/21/2006Journalist Jonathan Karl reports on the charges brought against U.S. troops for the killing of an Iraqi civilian. 11:03 -
Air Date 06/09/2006A panel of legal experts join guest host Jeffrey Toobin to debate the death penalty in America. 19:55 -
Air Date 05/18/2006Floyd Abrams analyzes President George W. Bush's domestic surveillance program, data mining, and the CIA. 15:49 -
Air Date 05/15/2006Journalists on illegal immigration and American border control. 21:21 -
Air Date 05/01/2006Author Sebastian Junger shares his new book, "A Death in Belmont," and his personal connection to the story. 18:33 -
Air Date 04/26/2006Journalist Mike Allen talks about President Bush's new press secretary and Karl Rove's testimony in the Valerie Plame investigation. 12:35 -
Air Date 04/04/2006Governor of New Mexico Bill Richardson and experts join guest host Robert Suro to debate the issue of immigration. 30:56 -
Air Date 03/14/2006High-profile attorney Edward Hayes shares his book, "Mouthpiece." 19:48 -
Air Date 02/08/2006Constitutional Law Professor Laurence Tribe examines the legal issues surrounding the NSA wiretapping. 09:02 -
Air Date 02/08/2006U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales defends Bush against accusations of illegal wiretapping. 42:19 -
Air Date 01/27/2006Senator Ron Wyden examines tax reform with his new proposal the Fair Flat Tax Act of 2005. 16:31 -
Air Date 01/27/2006Bernard-Henri Lévy reflects on his journey across America following the footsteps of Alexis de Tocqueville and shares his book, "American Vertigo." 36:00 -
Air Date 01/10/2006Lawyers Noah Feldman and John Yoo break down the Samuel Alito Senate confirmation hearings. 21:36 -
Air Date 01/10/2006Journalist Evan Thomas and former federal prosecutor David Lat on the nomination of Samuel Alito. 13:21 -
Air Date 01/10/2006Harvard Law Professor Charles Fried shares his thoughts on the Samuel Alito Senate confirmation hearings. 18:05 -
Air Date 01/09/2006Journalist James Risen shares his book, "State of War, " about the use of wiretapping in the Bush Administration and the CIA. 24:46 -
Air Date 11/28/2005John F. Burns reports on Saddam Hussein's trial for crimes against humanity and the state of the insurgency in Iraq. 21:21 -
Air Date 10/28/2005Journalists Richard Stevenson and Richard Keil analyze the indictment and resignation of Scooter Libby. 24:16 -
Air Date 10/28/2005Journalist Michael Kinsley and political strategist Ed Rollins focus on the indictment and resignation of Scooter Libby. 15:24 -
Air Date 10/27/2005Presidential advisor Jay Sekulow and Roger Pilon, VP for Legal Affairs at the Cato Institute, explain Harriet Miers' decision to withdraw her... 15:16 -
Air Date 10/27/2005An analysis of White House Counsel Harriet Miers' decision to withdraw her nomination for U.S. Supreme Court Justice, with journalists Terry Moran... 11:15 -
Air Date 10/19/2005Chief international correspondent for CNN Christiane Amanpour reflects on Saddam Hussein's court appearance. 20:53 -
Air Date 10/18/2005Attorney for reporter Judith Miller, Robert Bennett, reflects on the investigation of the leak of the name of CIA operative. 16:17 -
Air Date 10/18/2005Former Watergate prosecutor Richard Ben-Veniste comments on the investigation of the leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame's name to the press. 10:10 -
Air Date 10/17/2005Journalists Richard Keil and Mike Allen on the investigation of how and why the name of CIA operative was leaked. 17:19 -
Air Date 10/11/2005Lawyer and law blogger Tom Goldstein reports on the appointment of Justice Roberts to the Supreme Court. 19:02 -
Air Date 10/03/2005Legal analysts and academics discuss President Bush's nomination of Harriet Miers as the next Supreme Court justice. 19:51 -
Air Date 09/29/2005Representative David Dreier tackles the indictment of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay for violating election law. 10:36 -
Air Date 09/12/2005Chris Whittle, founder and C.E.O. of Edison Schools, shares his thoughts on revolutionizing the education system. 17:08 -
Air Date 09/06/2005Linda Greenhouse, Supreme Court correspondent for The New York Times, on the loss of Chief Justice William Rehnquist and the nomination of Judge... 05:34 -
Air Date 08/02/2005Executive Editor of the New York Times Bill Keller discusses the jailing of Judith Miller. 32:35 -
Air Date 07/26/2005Reid Weingarten, defense attorney for Bernie Ebbers, dissects the WorldCom case. 31:53 -
Air Date 07/22/2005Journalist William Finnegan and security experts Raphael Ron and Michael Wermuth discuss domestic security. 27:13 -
Air Date 07/20/2005NYU law professors Burt Neuborne and Samuel Issacharoff on the nomination of Justice Roberts to the Supreme Court. 33:04 -
Air Date 07/19/2005Attorneys and academics review President Bush's decision to nominate John Roberts to fill the first vacancy in the Supreme Court in 11 years. 33:37 -
Air Date 07/18/2005Journalists Richard Keil and William Roberts report on how CIA operative Valerie Plame's name was leaked and why. 15:51 -
Air Date 07/18/2005The White House correspondent discusses his involvement in the case against Karl Rove for leaking the name of a covert CIA operative. 22:08 -
Air Date 07/12/2005Journalists Terry Moran and Richard Stevenson report on Karl Rove and the CIA operative leak scandal. 15:48 -
Air Date 07/12/2005Michael Elliott, International Editor for TIME, discusses the investigation of the terrorist bombings in London. 12:44 -
Air Date 07/01/2005David Boies, Esq. explains the importance of Supreme Court justice Sandra Day O'Connor's retirement, and who the president might nominate. 17:16 -
Air Date 07/01/2005Legal correspondents debate who President Bush might nominate to replace U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. 11:16 -
Air Date 07/01/2005Legal experts Jay Sekulow and Ralph Neas debate what kind of judge President Bush will nominate to replace Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. 14:19 -
Air Date 06/30/200527:13 -
Air Date 06/27/2005U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales shares his opinions on several hot button issues: the Supreme Court, the Patriot Act, the war on terror, and... 25:44 -
Air Date 06/27/2005Legal correspondent Nina Totenberg talks about Chief Justice Rehnquist's possible retirement and compares two cases regarding displaying the ten... 13:13 -
Air Date 06/14/2005Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Linda Greenhouse shares her new book, "Becoming Justice Blackmun." 20:22 -
Air Date 05/25/2005Mark Rasch and John Markoff analyze vulnerability of computer software in the wake of threats to security at companies like Cisco. 14:38 -
Air Date 05/25/2005David Kelley discusses the importance of knowing which battle to fight in law, the Martha Stewart case, and terrorism cases. 19:05 -
Air Date 05/13/2005Charlie remembers former White House counsel Lloyd Cutler with a look back at two appearances on the show. 17:46 -
Air Date 05/05/2005Columbia University Professor Floyd Abrams on his book, "Speaking Freely: Trials of the First Amendment." 13:31 -
Air Date 04/28/2005A panel of journalists debate President Bush's prime-time news conference with guest host Ron Insana. 24:22