Videos 4
Greek Debt Crisis
World, BusinessAir Date 06/29/2015
Lionel Barber, Roger Altman, and Joe Weisenthal continue coverage of the Greek debt crisis.
Greek Debt Crisis; Obama's Moment
World, Politics, BusinessAir Date 06/29/2015
A panel on the continuing Greek Debt crisis and $1.8 billion loan default; Obama's best week of his second term.
Financial Journalism
Business, MediaAir Date 11/17/2014
Writers Joe Weisenthal, Felix Salmon, Megan Murphy, and Josh Brown describe how they cover markets and the economy in the digital age.
Financial Journalism; Bob Ryan
Business, Sports, MediaAir Date 11/17/2014
Writers discuss covering markets and the economy in the digital age. The sportswriter on the players he admires and his lifelong passion for games.